Do you love ramen? I mean really looooove ramen? Now you can…um…be ramen! A theme park in Hakone, Japan has teamed up with a famous ramen-ya to open a “ramen bath,” complete with tonkotsu-colored, pepper-flavored “soup” that you can soak your weary bones in. The water is said to “help produce beautiful skin and aid moisture retention.” No word yet on when the shio, miso, and shoyu baths will be open. Hmm…I wonder if there’s any MSG in that water? I’m sure *that* would help preserve your skin!
via Mainichi Daily News
11:18am update: Just found more pics here.
11:29am: …and a video as well! via the official ramen page
8:46pm: yet one more video. enjoy!
i LOVE this!! 🙂
What is this I don’t even